Montag, 21. Januar 2013

10 progressive catholic book covers

I recently found myself browsing a bookshelf full of progressive catholic books from the 1960s and 70s and there was a scanner in the room.
Designers from top to bottom: Lothar Beck, 2x Wolfgang A. Taube, 4x Hermann Wernhard, Norbert Höchtlen, 2x uncredited

Montag, 7. Januar 2013

Guest mix: The Inner Voice And The Rhythm Of The Outside

My friend Tai aka dj/Artist made an amazing guest mix for Dispokino (it comes at exactly the right time since I'm moving house and all my records are in boxes). Tai's a DJ, master digger and runs an underground film club. He litteraly lives between thousands of the most interesting and weird records, I'm glad he chose and mixed some of them for us.
Download the mix here.
Say hi to Tai on Mixcloud or Facebook.